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Digital Information System for Polish maritime areas CSI-POM
Science For Society


Project Introduction || CSI-POM

The above video presents the CSI-POM project, an innovative initiative focused on monitoring and analysis of the marine environment of the southern Baltic Sea. Thanks to advanced technologies, the system provides precise hydrodynamic data, such as water temperature, salinity, sea currents and sea level. It allows for generating interactive maps and graphs, real-time parameter analysis and creation of vertical cross-sections. Advanced algorithms also allow for detection of sea eddies, updrafts, thermoclines, haloclines and pycnoclines, which support the understanding of complex processes in the marine ecosystem.

Video with transcript on YouTube

7 products || CSI-POM

In the video above, you will learn about the seven key products of the CSI-POM platform, an advanced tool for monitoring the marine environment of the Baltic Sea. You will learn how to analyze temperature, salinity, sea currents and sea level, as well as the variability of these parameters over time and at different depths, using interactive maps and graphs. The video explains how the platform allows you to study structures in the water column, identify the depth of the thermocline, halocline and pycnocline, and track phenomena such as sea eddies, upwelling and the inertia of water masses under the influence of atmospheric conditions. CSI-POM supports scientists, decision-makers and all those interested in the protection of marine ecosystems by providing key data and analyses.

Video with transcript on YouTube

Tutorial || CSI-POM

805 / 5 000 The above video presents the functionalities of the CSI-POM platform – an advanced system for monitoring Polish maritime areas. It discusses how users can access seven system products, such as maps, time histories and vertical hydrodynamic sections, using a web browser. The film presents a step-by-step process of selecting parameters, such as time, depth, area or specific environmental variables, and generating results. The platform meets the requirements of digital accessibility, and its intuitive interface is available in Polish and English. CSI-POM is an invaluable tool supporting scientists, fishermen, environmental protection services and decision-makers in making informed decisions regarding maritime economy and protection of Baltic ecosystems.

Video with transcript on YouTubee

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The project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science under "Science for Society"